How to Wildcraft Herbs

People that enjoy making their own herbal preparations usually find pleasure collecting their herbs from the wild. If you have access to land away from highway fumes and farm chemicals, you can find many of the medicinal herbs you use in that location. Plantain leaves for insect bites, burdock leaves for burns, black walnut hulls […]

Different Types of Mint Essential Oils

Mint is an ancient herb that was prevalent in medieval herb gardens; its use both as a herb and as an oil is not new. However, it might be that different types of mints were used for different conditions and purposes, as there is more than one type of mint species that has medicinal uses. […]

Creating A Natural First Aid Kit for Vacations

Vacations and travel can bring up all sorts of unexpected health problems, depending on where you are traveling; however, you can prepare yourself for several common nuisances that may other wise disrupt your hard-earned vacation time by preparing an aromatherapy first aid kit before you leave home. Use essential oils, such as lavender, lemon and […]

The Use of Aromatic Waters for Your Health

Aromatic waters, more commonly known as hydrosols or hydrolats in aromatherapy practice, have a number of health benefits; most people associate the therapeutic practice of aromatherapy with essential oils, but interest is growing in the use of aromatic waters. Once considered the by-product of distillation of an essential oil, aromatic waters are actually valuable commodities […]

Health Benefits of…Roses?

I’ve seen wild roses in abundance along many country roads. Most people only think of the rose as a fragrant flower; and in the wild, a pesky weed. But I’d like to share not only fragrant ways to use the roses, but healthful ways to use the rose hips. Source of Vitamin C The rose […]

The Benefits of Hot Stone Massage

You can now find hot stone massage in many of the top beauty spas across the country; however, hot stone therapy really does have some health benefits too. Hot stone massage has benefits not just for the recipient of the treatment but also for the massage therapist. There are several ways in which hot stone […]

An Introduction to Reflexology

Reflexology is a natural health practice that is often described as “foot massage.” However, it is a lot more than just a foot massage and reflexology can help you to manage many health problems; headaches, PMS, back pain and asthma are just a few of the conditions that may be helped by the practice of […]