Why You Might Want to Consider Stevia

As a child I remember my grandmother carrying around a bottle of tiny pills she would drop into her coffee or tea. She said it was better for her than sugar. Used as an artificial sweetener since the late 1800s, those little pills (saccharin) would later carry a warning label that they caused cancer. Since […]

How To Treat Digestive Problems

I remember having frequent stomach aches as a small child. Looking back, I believe they probably came from stress and poor diet. As a teen and young adult, I could eat anything. Seriously. And in large quantities. I lived for a pot of chili, hotter than my family could stand. My friends never understood how […]

Arsenic in Apple Juice From China – Says Dr. Oz

Arsenic in apple juice—the breaking news of the past week. Started by Dr. Mehmet Oz, on his popular television program, this controversy has either raised fear and doubt in the minds of parents that regularly give apple juice to their children, or fueled the fire of scoffers who do not really care. When I was […]

How to Make Your Own Chai Tea

I recently discovered my husband trying to look up “chai” in my herb books. He wanted to know the health benefits of drinking his morning cup of chai tea. He didn’t realize that chai is not an herb—but rather a blend of spices. Also known as chai masala, this Indian spiced beverage is now popular […]

Low Acid Coffee

Last week I wrote about the dangerous effects of caffeine and how I ultimately gave up coffee because it caused me horrible stomach pain. Well, recently, I was introduced to a way that I can enjoy coffee once again. While strolling through our local farmers’ market I spied a guy giving free samples of iced […]

Health Benefits of Green Juice

Green drinks are all the rage. All the beautiful, cool, successful folks are uploading photos and recipes to their social streams. And I’m one of them; converted and utterly convinced about this magic elixir. It wasn’t always the way … I first heard about green drinks by way of that ever optimistic, ever gregarious life […]

Health Benefits of…Roses?

I’ve seen wild roses in abundance along many country roads. Most people only think of the rose as a fragrant flower; and in the wild, a pesky weed. But I’d like to share not only fragrant ways to use the roses, but healthful ways to use the rose hips. Source of Vitamin C The rose […]