What is a Detox Program?

Loved by celebrities and the health conscious, detox diets seem to be gaining in popularity. But what is a detox program and what benefits can we gain from trying a detox program?

What foods are acidic?

In the effort to bring our bodies into pH balance, we can approach the foods we eat one of two ways: eat highly alkaline foods or by avoiding highly acidic foods. … So these are some of the most acid-forming foods that should used in extreme moderation or avoided for most people who need to increase their pH.

… Jelly Margarine Milk Chocolate MSG Processed Foods Pudding Soft Drinks Sugar Table Salt Vegetable oil For example to neutralize a typical cola (at 2.8 pH) you would need to drink 32 glasses of water with a pH of 7.0.

50 Alkaline producing foods

This is a list of of a bunch of strongly alkaline foods that are great to eat!!

Restoring pH balance in the body

One of the best ways we can improve our health is by restoring pH balance in our bodies…

Why you should think twice about getting a flu shot

Many people I know think I am nuts for not getting a flu shot, but after seeing this I never will.

… It turns out that getting vitamin D is one of the best things you can do to prevent the flu each year. And, surprise, surprise, you can get it easiest from getting some sun every day.

5 Tips to Stay Healthy and Well During the Winter Months

1. Wash your hands. The winter months are the peak periods for colds and flu. Often the bacteria or viruses associated with these maladies enter our bodies through our hands. Doorknobs, handrails, shopping carts and objects that receive handling by many people are teeming with germs. One should wash their hands often and

Vitamin C: A History Of Healing

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a vital nutrient for humans. Failure to consume proper amounts will result in scurvy, involving liver spots on the skin, spongy gums and bleeding from the mucus membranes. Throughout human history, a varied diet has been known to be healthy. Wherever possible this has been done, but there have […]