How does gum chewing affect your health?

Chewing gum has a great effect on your health!gum chewing health Spry.png

If you enjoy a good piece of chewing gum, you may actually be doing good things for your body. In the old days, chewing gums were made primarily with corn sweeteners which helped to promote tooth decay. In the modern age, more chewing gums are made with non-sugar sweeteners such as xylitol. These sweeteners not only don’t contribute to tooth decay, but xylitol is even thought to promote good oral health. It’s even endorsed by six national dental associations. Now that sugarless gums are widely available, what are the health benefits of chewing gum?

It helps to promote weight loss

Chewing gum may help with weight loss in several ways. It can be used as a calorie free treat to divert attention away from higher calorie offerings such as cakes and cookies. The sweet taste of the gum may be all that’s needed to offset a potential binge. Plus, when your mouth tastes sweet and clean you’re less likely to reach for food. Chewing gum also burns calories. Although calories burned while chewing gum are only around ten to eleven calories per hour, these can add up over time and result in slight weight loss. Many dieters swear by chewing gum as a weight loss aid.

Chewing gum promotes good oral hygiene

When you chew gum, you promote saliva flow which can help to flush away bacteria that can contribute to tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath. It also neutralizes some of the acids in the mouth that can contribute to tooth decay. The benefits on oral hygiene are even greater if you chew a gum sweetened with xylitol. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association, chewing gum containing xylitol for at least five minutes after every meal can reduce levels of bacteria that are known to cause tooth decay.

Gum chewing can reduce tension and anxiety

Chewing on a stick of gum may reduce tension and anxiety while helping to release nervous energy according to information published by the Wrigley Science Institute. In fact, the military supplied chewing gum to soldiers during World War I to help them reduce their levels of stress during combat duties.

Another benefit: It may improve memory

According to an article released by, chewing gum may help to improve memory. British psychologists conducted a study which showed that persons taking a test showed better short term and long term memory scores when they chewed gum during the test then when they didn’t. The mechanism by which chewing gum may improve memory is still unknown.

Although chewing gum has a variety of benefits, some people may be sensitive to the sweeteners xylitol and sorbitol found in many sugarless gums which can result in diarrhea and flatulence. The long term health effects of consuming high quantities of artificial sweeteners are unknown. For this reason, it’s best to moderate the amount of gum you chew on a daily basis. It’s still nice to know that something so sweet tasting can potentially be so healthy!

If you are looking for a great natural chewing gum to try – check out Spry Chewing Gum.


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