How To Remove Chlorine From Tap Water

Water is absolutely essential to human life. People are urged to drink at least 64 ounces of water every day. Bottled water can get expensive over time, but water directly from the tap may sometimes be harmful to your health. Chlorine is added to the water to kill off bad bacteria. If you’ve ever gone swimming and your eyes turn red and sting after a while, that’s due to the chlorine. Chlorine has a harsh smell that can irritate the nose and throat. Of course, you don’t get that large of an amount of chlorine in your tap water, but it’s still there. There are several ways on how to remove chlorine from tap water. Some ways are not possible to do yourself, and others are simple fixes you can do at home. We’ll look into the ways you can do this process yourself.


A filter

Probably the most economical way of getting chlorine out of tap water is to use a filter. There are several filters on the market today that can filter your tap water to make it safer. There are various brands of pitchers that have built in filters. Just fill the pitcher up with tap water and stick it in the refrigerator until you’re ready to drink it. These pitchers, or water basins, come in all shapes and sizes. You pour tap water into the top portion of the pitcher, and the water runs through the filtration device into the main part of the pitcher, and it’s ready to go. Water filters can also be added to your sink faucet and even to tub faucets and shower heads. The initial price of water filtration systems isn’t all that expensive. They’re not cheap, but over time, they’d cost you less money than continuously buying bottled water.

It seems absolutely ridiculous to have to buy water at the store. Water is the most common liquid found on earth, and to have to spend money for it when you can get it for free through your tap seems silly. But, if you’re in a pinch, and want to be sure you’re drinking clean water, then buying bottled water from the store is an option. If you’re waiting for your water filtration system to be delivered, then bottled water can tide you over.


Boiling tap water is a way to remove chlorine also. After a natural disaster such as a hurricane, people are urged to boil water before drinking it. Water pipes can be damaged in disaster cases, and it’s safer to boil off any contaminates. Protozoan parasites and bacteria form quickly and get into the damaged water supply and make you sick. Boiling water can also cook off any chlorine that may be present. Bring the water to a roiling boil, and let it boil for three to five minutes. Leave the lid on the pot as you boil so the water doesn’t evaporate too fast.

Homemade Filters

Another way is by filtering the water using filters from homemade products. Coffee filters, paper towels, and cheesecloth can all be turned into filters to strain your water, possibly getting rid of chlorine. These homemade filters can catch larger debris and only let the pure water flow through. Coffee filters and cheesecloth may work a bit better as they have smaller pores, whereas paper towels tend to have bigger pores and may let more contaminates through than desired.

These are some ways as to how to remove chlorine from tap water. These are all doable fixes to ensure that you’re drinking pure uncontaminated water. So, drink up. Get that recommended amount of water in every day. When you use filtered water, you can rest assured that you’re not drinking anything you shouldn’t be.

Photo by dibytes


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