Submit a Guest Post!

If you are interested in writing an article for Natural Health Ezine, we would love to see it! We are interested in articles that discuss natural solutions to health problems, products that help live a natural life, tips and tricks, home remedies that work, etc…

We do require that it be unique content not published anywhere else on the web (and we do check) 😉 . Shoot for 500-1000 words, but if it needs to be longer for some reason, let us know and we can work something out.

What you will get…

  • A couple sentence bio-line at the beginning of the article explaining who you are with a link back to your website.
  • A lot of eyeballs reading your article and hopefully a bunch of visitors to your website as well!

A few more things…

  • If your article is accepted, it may be modified for brevity or readability. Often times this may just be title changes and formatting adjustments.
  • Linking to the article from your website is allowed and appreciated.

So, If you write something that you think is great, attach it to an email and send it to “NHE (at) naturalhealthezine (dot) com” and we will see what we can do.