Natural Cures for Depression

Millions of people all across the globe suffer from depression. When a person feels depressed, they feel like nothing or no one can make them feel better. This is not true though, because often depression is caused by stress, lack of nutrition, and vitamin deficiencies. There are natural ways to help to cure depression. Here […]

Where to Shop for Organic Foods

When you first start to get into living a healthy and as natural as possible, it can sometimes be difficult to find places where to shop for whole and organic foods. Of course, in this country, the food industry is dominated by corn syrup-filled, prepackaged, nasty hideousness. Walking through most grocery store aisles today is […]

Is Organic Food Healthier?

Have you passed by an organic food store on your way home from work and wondered if organic food is healthier for you than other types of food? Well, if you are asking such a question, then you may have been filled with a number of false premises by critics of organic food. That is, there are those that make statements along the lines of “It is all the same” or “You can still lose weight with ‘regular’ food.” Such statements are made by people that truly do not understand the actual value of such foods or the reasons why they can improve the help…

Natural Cures for Arthritis

Arthritis pain can be extremely painful especially in the winter months when the air is cold and humid. The cold seems to go right to the bones causing a deep ache. Suffering from arthritic pain everyday will get anyone looking for relief. Personally I don’t like taking medications for my arthritis. I would rather use […]

How to properly cook rice in a rice cooker

Tips for using a Rice Cooker Written by Allison Whitehead Rice is one of the few foods that doesn’t cook faster in the microwave… but it’s still well worth buying a microwaveable rice cooker, as it virtually guarantees perfect fluffy rice every time. Try these handy tips to improve your cooked rice dishes… Make sure […]

Pickling Vegetables: Cucumbers and more!

The Basics of Pickling Written by Thea Mann Pickling is a great way to preserve the bounty of summer, whether from your own garden or the local farmer’s market. This is a great way to take advantage of low summer produce prices and still have high-quality fruits and vegetables for yourself and your family all […]

How does gum chewing affect your health?

Who knew that chewing gum had so many great health benefits and could help you lose weight, reduce anxiety, and improve memory?