Health Benefits Of Flaxseed Oil

Why take flaxseed oil? No matter how healthy a person’s diet might be, there may still be a lack of certain nutrients. A good way to get these nutrients is to take a supplement. Flaxseed oil provides nutrients such as vitamin E and vitamin D, minerals that include iron, potassium, and calcium. It is also […]

Does Oscillococcinum really work?

I recently got over a flu and when it started my wife suggested that I take this homeopathic medicine called Oscillococcinum.  Just like most people I was a little skeptical, but she was very emphatic that it had helped her flu go away a lot quicker. So on her recommendation I decided to give it […]

Why You Should be Drinking Water with Lemon

I remember reading in a health book that drinking pure water with lemon squeezed in it was one of the healthiest beverages you can drink. The primary benefit  that I am aware of is the wonderful alkalizing properties of the lemon juice. By having lemon squeezed in your water you create a beverage that raises […]

3 Natural Home Remedies To Get Rid of Spiders

Don’t like spiders? Don’t worry, you’re not alone, but that doesn’t mean you have to kill them or spray them. Anyone who’s even a little bit interested in protecting the environment knows that insecticides are one of the most poisonous substances we bring into our home and avoid it at all costs. (By the way, […]

11 Health Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice

The aloe vera plant is amazing, having many healing properties to it. The leaves of the plant are where you will find the yellow-colored liquid that can work wonders. You may already know that aloe vera gel can be very beneficial to the skin, helping with sunburn, insect bites, rashes, cuts, and the like. The […]

The Amazing health benefits of raw honey

People have been using honey for all of its wonderful benefits for thousands of years. Here are just a few of the many health benefits of raw honey…

Natural Remedies For Jet Lag

Traveling can be an exciting activity. You go to places you’ve never been to before, or you visit relatives you haven’t seen in a while. Whatever the reason for your trip, you don’t want to feel tired and sluggish during your time away. When you travel through many time zones, you might experience jet lag. […]