Lutein and Zeaxanthin Eye Care

This is a guest article from  Nick Lewis. It is a generally accepted fact of life that when you get older, your vision gets worse. This is due to a number of factors involved in the ageing process, however, one condition in particular that tends to affect those of a certain age (50+) is that […]

The Health Benefits Of Avocados

The avocado tree is native to the Mexican, Caribbean, Central American, and South American regions. Avocados also go by the names alligator pear or butter pear. The fruit is shaped like a pear, but tastes vastly different. Perhaps one of the things that first come to mind when someone mentions avocado, is guacamole. The green […]

Benefits Of Yoga For Cancer Patients

There is a new study that was just released explaining that there could be some pretty solid benefits of doing Yoga for cancer patients. The study took a large group of cancer patients and had some regularly participate in yoga and others not – and it provided pretty conclusive evidence that yoga helps cancer patients […]

6 Health Benefits of Ginger

For centuries, ginger has been used as a home remedy, and by homeopathic doctors to help ease numerous health complaints. Ginger is very easy on the body, and does not cause unpleasant side effects like typical western prescription drugs. Although ginger should never replace an important medication your doctor has recommended, it can be extremely […]

Chia Seeds and Salba

This article was written by Doug Cook, RD MHSc CDE from Wellness Nutrition. He is a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist and Certified Diabetes Educator. Imagine if you could, a seed, so tiny and yet so powerful that it could provide you with a daily dose of health promoting nutrients or better yet, could help those to manage […]

How To Naturally Clean Wood Floors

Homes that have wood flooring always seem to give off a warm and inviting atmosphere. A common problem with having wood floors, is the battle to keep them clean. Dust and dirt seem to always be visible. With carpet, dirt gets ground into to the fibers, and for the most part, you don’t see every […]

The Health Benefits Of Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper was first discovered several thousand years ago in Central and South America. In the 15th and 16th centuries, Cayenne peppers grew in popularity in other regions of the world. Many people enjoy hot and spicy foods, and will often put a dash or two of Cayenne pepper into their meals. Little do people […]