Chia Seeds and Salba

This article was written by Doug Cook, RD MHSc CDE from Wellness Nutrition. He is a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist and Certified Diabetes Educator. Imagine if you could, a seed, so tiny and yet so powerful that it could provide you with a daily dose of health promoting nutrients or better yet, could help those to manage […]

Persevering with Chronic Illness

Chronic illness feels like a giant weight added to your back, slowing down your life and forcing changes.
Persevering through the maze of experiencing chronic illness takes dedication and endurance. There are so many chemical remedies, which are helpful to the right patients. And there are natural remedies and lifestyle choices that can greatly benefit chronic illness people. My journey with chronic illness began ten years ago with chronic migraine disease. The pain became a daily ritual and was life altering. It changed my course, redirecting my path. I was going in one direction, but chronic migraine disease, steered me in a sharp left.

Health benefits of Iodine and 4 reasons why you need it

4 Top Reasons Why You Need Iodine! Ok, so you’ve generally heard about Iodine…I mean your mom used to pour it on your cuts and scrapes when you were a kid, right? Ouch, you still remember that, don’t you? But did you also realize that Iodine plays a GIGANTIC role in your body’s over-all health…and […]