Herbal Vaporizers: An Introduction

Ingesting herbs is becoming a popular way to gain some incredible health benefits. Where traditional smoking causes all kinds of health concerns with the inhalation of harsh smoke, an herbal vaporizer will extract the active ingredients of an herb and “vaporize” it into a smooth thin mist.

What Exactly is an Herbal Vaporizer?

It’s no secret that herbal smoke of any kind contains a ton of hazardous toxins and carcinogens that we really shouldn’t be inhaling, such as carbon monoxide, tar and other pollutants. When smoking, toxins are released when the plant is burned at high temperatures (1200+ degrees). When using a vaporizer, the herb is gently heated (180-200 degrees) until the active ingredients turn into a vapor and are released, not burning the plant, hence not producing toxins or carcinogens. Vaporizing your herb is great because the vapor is 95% pure.

What are the Health Benefits of Ingesting Herbs?

Vaporization results in direct delivery to the bloodstream, thus has a more rapid onset of the pharmacological effect. Vapor contains little tar, no carcinogens and feels much cooler to inhale than smoke. The vapor contains no smoke so the natural tastes and flavors stay intact and no odors are present. Herbs have many medicinal uses. From helping congestion to quitting smoking, herbs are known to aid in the healing of many ailments.

  • Mullein, Horehound, and Coltsfoot – cleansing of the lungs
    These herbs  soothe inflamed or infected lungs. They help to prevent coughing until infection or inflammation is broken up. They then aid in expectoration, helping to break up congestion and promote “effective” coughing. These herbs were smoked to stop the coughing of tuberculosis years ago. They are used at the ending of respiratory flus and colds, when trying to quit tobacco, and to get the crud out of your lungs in general. These herbs are wonderful for any kind of lung cleansing; very gentle, non-toxic, tasteless, and odorless.
  • Lobelia – Quit Smoking Aid
    Your body sees Lobelia’s main ingredient, lobeline, as nicotine. Certain receptors in your body are waiting to be filled with nicotine and so you feel nicotine fits. Lobeline is the same shape as nicotine and fits into these receptor sites, fooling your body into thinking you’ve been smoking Tobacco. Lobeline, however, is not addictive when used properly for the short term. The prescription chewing gums that doctors prescribe to quit smoking have lobeline as the main ingredient.
  • Catnip – Relaxant
    Catnip isn’t just for the feline members of the family. Many human herbal smokers prefer its mild relaxation affect as well. A member of the mint family, catnip is native to the Mediterranean but is now grown in many places across the globe. Both the leaf and flower are harvested, dried and often mixed with other herbs. The effects of this legal herb are very mild.
  • Damiana – Aphrodisiac/Depression Aid
    Damiana has been used by the Native Americans for years as an aphrodisiac. This plant is known to treat anxiety and depression. The effect lasts between one and one and a half hours.
  • Calamus Root
    Anxiety Aid - Native American tribes commonly used calamus root as a stimulant. This plant is mixed with tobacco or other herbs for a smoking blend. The liquid extract of calamus root can also be added to smoking herbs. The effect of calamus is both stimulating and helpful to minimize anxiety. A common side effect of using too much of this herb is vomiting.
  • Treating Asthma
    Asthma attacks can be treated using a combination of the warm steam from the vaporizer with the healing properties of herbs to open bronchial tubes that constricted. Hyssop, menthol, marjoram, eucalyptus, and thyme are the herbs used for treating asthma.  They ease breathing by soothing the bronchial tubes and clearing congestion.

Types of Vaporizers

There are three types of herbal vaporizer elements: glass, ceramic and aluminum. The most widely used vaporizers utilize ceramic elements. The advantage of this type is that it stays cleaner than the others and is therefore healthier.


A 2006 study by Leiden University was conducted on high-end herbal vaporizers:

“Our results show that with herbal vaporizers, a safe and effective herbal delivery system seems to be available to patients. The final pulmonal uptake of active ingredients is comparable to the smoking of them, while avoiding the respiratory disadvantages of smoking.”

This study also found that vaporizers are an optimal way to use herbs, effectively reducing (or eliminating) toxins while delivering the active ingredients we want.


Remember, the difference between poison and medicine is dosage. Consult a herbalist to determine correct herbal smoking mixtures. Forget about using illegal herbs, which can harm your body.



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