How To Cook Asparagus

Enjoy Some Delicious Asparagus for Dinner

Asparagus is an interesting vegetable. It grows in a spear shape with some strange little growths bursting from the sides. One should be hesitant to cook the greens in an iron pot. The reason for this is that the tannins in the asparagus might react with the iron – if so, this causes disaster for the stalks. It will cause them to be weepy and wilty looking as well as cause them to lose their color.

How to Cook AsparagusThe vegetable is a member of the lily family. Though one would not think so it is related to onions, garlic, and leeks. Although there are not many varieties of asparagus, anyone would care to eat, there are actually a few hundred varieties.

For anyone wanting a vegetable that is packed with good things for your body then asparagus will meet your needs. Look at what this has to offer:

  1. Folic acid
  2. Fiber
  3. Vitamin B6
  4. Vitamin A
  5. Vitamin C
  6. Thiamine
  7. Rutin

Aasparagus has no fat, it does not contain any cholesterol, and it is low in sodium. Not only does it offer all of this it also has health benefits. Asparagus is known to help in the case of neuritis as well as hypertension. If you are suffering from constipation this vegetable can help you out. It has high fiber content. Asparagus helps to reduce the acidity of the blood. It also is packed with an amino acid referred to as asparagine. This assists in cleansing the body of waste material. If you suffer from rheumatism or arthritis it helps to relieve pain due to the ani-inflammatory properties. If you fear cancer the anti-oxidant and gluatthione in asparagus is a prime source to help prevent the deadly disease. The vegetable can also help to regulate blood sugar as well as help prevent bloating. If you are feeling like a grouch or you are tired and depressed, asparagus offers magnesium that can help with these problems. Asparagus has also been known to help reduce birth defects because it contains folic acid.

To Prepare

Asparagus allows you to be creative. There are a number of ways to prepare it for serving. However, you need to keep the vegetable fresh and crisp. This can be accomplished by putting it in a glass that is half filled with water. You can store it in the refrigerator. If you do not eat it for more than one day than the water needs to be changed. Rinse the spears under some cool water and use a paper towel to dry the spears. Unless you are really a heavy-duty asparagus, fan who wants to eat the whole spear, you will need to remove the ends of the asparagus spears. They have a rather woody texture. For most people this part is not edible. If you choose to you can cut the vegetable into more convenient bite sized pieces; however, there is no written rule that states you cannot serve the asparagus in its spear form.

When you want to eat this treat you have the choice of steaming, roasting, or doing a stir fry. You can also include the green vegetable as an ingredient for another receipe. What better way to be good to your body while also being good to your appetite.

To Steam

There are a couple of ways to steam vegetables. You need to be careful so the tips do not get soggy. In the first process you need a large, deep pan. Tie the stalks together and stand the asparagus in water with the tips facing upwards. Cover the pot, reduce the heat, and steam until tender. Secondly, using the same type of pan, add a layer of the vegetable, cover, reduce heat, and simmer until tender. The cooking time is generally two to five minutes depending on how fresh the produce is as well as the size. When it turns bright green then you know it is ready.

To Roast

If you want to roast asparagus look for thick spears when you buy the produce. First, preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Next, put the spears in a baking disk in a single layer. You might want to sprinkle some olive oil or pepper; however, this is optional. Cook eight to 10 minutes until the spears are lightly browned. They will be tender when pierced with a fork. If you want, splash a little lemon juice over the spears just before serving.

To Stir Fry

You never planned to stir fry your asparagus, did you? Well, serve this at your next dinner and you will put a smile on each face of your guest. You will need a tablespoon of butter along with 1/4 of a sweet onion (chopped), one-pound of trimmed asparagus and a teaspoon of chopped roasted garlic, and, lastly, two teaspoons of teriyaki sauce. First, melt the butter over a medium heat. Saute the onions, just so they are tender. Add the asparagus followed by the garlic. Now, saute for three to five minutes or until you can see the produce is heated through. Before serving, add some teriyaki sauce. Now, enjoy!


The last way to enjoy asparagus is by adding it to other dishes. There is not any set rule on this you can just experiment with any dish you think would taste better with a little of this vegetable. This includes everything from adding to the top of shrimp to adding a few pinches to penne pasta.

Experiment, but never forget that asparagus is delicious fresh from the store. You never need to do anything to make it taste better!

Photo by Esteban Cavrico


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