Vinegar As A Treatment For Athlete’s Foot?

If you spend a lot of time barefoot at public pools, or public showers, you’re at risk for getting a fungal infection. The fungal infection of the skin that results in flaking, scaling, and itching of the feet, is called athlete’s foot. You don’t have to be an athlete to get athlete’s foot. The name is due to the fact that swimming pools and public showers (like in a gym locker room) are great breeding grounds for this fungus. These areas are warm and damp, making it ideal for the fungus to gather and spread. Another good breeding ground is a pair of sneakers that are used during exercise. If you do end up getting athlete’s foot, there’s no need to worry. There are several products on the market designed to clear up this annoying foot problem. These products could be somewhat expensive, but there is another solution. Vinegar. Is it possible to use vinegar as a treatment for athlete’s foot?

What makes the vinegar helpful in treating athlete’s foot is the malic acid. This component of the vinegar makes it very efficient at getting rid of the fungus. Vinegar also helps to alleviate the itching of athlete’s foot. You want to make sure you get the right kind of vinegar. You want to buy apple cider vinegar that is cloudy and brown in color. If the vinegar is clear and you can see through it, it won’t be as effective. The cloudy vinegar includes many beneficial nutrients that have healing properties.

Make a mixture of one part apple cider vinegar to two or three parts warm water. Put your feet into the vinegar bath for about 20 minutes. The acidity of the vinegar will make it very difficult for the fungus to survive. If the solution stings too much, try adding more water to dilute the acidity of the vinegar. As the athlete’s foot clears up over time, you can use less water. After the foot bath, rinse your feet off, and dry them completely. You can use this foot bath twice a day.

If you have a less severe case of athlete’s foot, you can apply the apple cider vinegar and water mixture to your feet using a cotton ball or a wash cloth. This is a good option if you have a child who doesn’t like to sit still for long periods of time. You can apply the solution with a wash cloth or cotton ball several times a day. It’s a good idea to apply it right before getting into bed, so the mixture isn’t wiped off as you walk.

Athlete’s foot can burrow in between the toes, and can be very difficult to get rid of. The cracking, redness, and itching associated with this foot problem can be uncomfortable and painful. Some ways you can avoid getting athlete’s foot, include:

  • Wash the feet at least once every day.
  • Change your socks right after you finish a workout.
  • Wear “pool socks” when you go to a public pool or use the shower in the locker room.
  • Wear “breathable” sneakers to allow for more air flow.
  • Reduce the amount of perspiration of your feet by using talcum powder.

Because the foot fungus can keep coming back, it’s cheaper to use vinegar as a treatment for athlete’s foot. It can get expensive when you have to buy products that are specially made for athlete’s foot. Another thing to consider is that one product that works for one person, might not work for someone else. So, you can end up spending money of a product that doesn’t help your problem. There’s no need to spend a ton of money when relief can be found in your kitchen cabinet.

Photo by Maggiejumps


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