Health Benefits Of Irish Moss

Among the many foods that are considered to be super foods, Irish Moss is a lesser known item. Irish moss is a species of seaweed, that grows in massive amounts in the rocky parts of the Atlantic coasts of America and Europe. It also is found in parts of the Pacific. It gets it’s name […]

Natural Remedies For Mosquito Bites

Mosquito bites are not only annoying with their itchiness, they can also leave some pretty big welts on your skin. Mosquitoes are present year round, but they are more abundant in warmer weather. Spring and summer seem to bring mosquitoes out in force, looking for blood to feed on. You can use plants to keep […]

Treating Mosquito Bites Naturally

Mosquito bites are not only annoying with their itchiness, they can also leave some pretty big welts on your skin. Mosquitoes are present year round, but they are more abundant in warmer weather. Spring and summer seem to bring mosquitoes out in force, looking for blood to feed on. You can arm yourself with bug […]

The Best Natural Treatments For Teenage Acne

Teenagers are all too aware of any blemish or acne mark on their skin, particularly on their face. Some teenagers get a more severe case of acne than others, and it can affect their self confidence. A teenager’s self confidence can be so effected due to acne, or acne scarring, the self esteem issues can […]

6 Health Benefits of Ginger

For centuries, ginger has been used as a home remedy, and by homeopathic doctors to help ease numerous health complaints. Ginger is very easy on the body, and does not cause unpleasant side effects like typical western prescription drugs. Although ginger should never replace an important medication your doctor has recommended, it can be extremely […]

How To Use Essential Oils As Air Fresheners

It can be very calming to enter a room and smell the scent of lavender or sandalwood. Certain scents cause different reactions in the brain. There are scents that can have you feeling more alert, or scents than can relax you. How do you get an air freshener to align with your specific needs at […]

Is It Safe To Brush Your Teeth With Baking Soda?

Baking soda is one of those household items that can be used for just about any task. It has the power to ease the distress of indigestion, it can get stains out of your clothes, and it can even tenderize beef. Baking soda has been praised on it’s ability to clean and whiten teeth. Many […]