Baking soda air freshener for your car

You could be experiencing an allergic reaction to your car air freshener, says Daniel Swartz, executive director of the Children’s Environmental Health Network, a nonprofit Washington, D.C.-based consumer safety organization. Conventional car fresheners contain troublesome chemicals like petroleum distillates, which can irritate or damage your lungs; phthalates, which can interfere with hormone production; and benzene compounds, which have been found to be carcinogenic.

… How to create a air freshener for your car I just took an old sock (or actually two of them) and put one inside the other and filled it up with a bit of baking soda.

Essential Oils Used in Thieves Blend

There are various recipes and blends for Thieves oil in circulation today. In addition, the origins of the original Four Thieves Vinegar (or blend) vary wildly. However, the common consensus today is that the essential oils of rosemary, lemon, eucalyptus, clove and cinnamon are the basis of any Thieves blend recipes. All of these essential […]

Benefits of Stinging Nettles—For Food and Medicine

Taking an inventory of herbs in my cupboard recently, I realized how much we use stinging nettles. In fact, I have several ½ gallon jars full of the stuff pushed to the way back. But 1 quart jar stays in my tea cupboard because my husband drinks a cup of nettles infusion every morning. If […]

The health benefits of pomegranate juice

Known about and widely valued for literally thousands of years, the health benefits of pomegranate juice are still being discussed, tested and enjoyed to this very day. In fact, the popularity of the pomegranate and its juice indicate that the health benefits of pomegranate juice may be even more popular today than ever before. Native to and cultivated originally in the Middle East and Asia, the pomegranate and its long-living trees have spread out to Eastern Asia, Europe, Africa, and even North America and South America. The thick peel and internal white pulp membrane hold and protect the delicious arils or seed casings…

Natural Cures For Insomnia

Insomnia can affect anyone no mater their age, or gender. Insomnia can occur at any time during a person’s lifetime. Having a hard time getting to sleep can not only be frustrating, but can be dangerous as well. A lack of sleep can cause a person to have a diminished attention span, slower reaction time, […]

Health Benefits of Drinking White Tea

Tea has been enjoyed for millennia by cultures all around the world and used for medicinal purposes as well. Scientific research in recent decades has shown that drinking tea is actually very healthy. Most of the research has been on green tea, and many people are well aware of green tea’s antioxidant power. However, white tea has often been underreported and many people are not familiar with the health benefits of drinking white tea. The following paragraphs will outline more about this lesser known tea and how it can contribute to good health…

What are the health benefits of garlic?

Bad breath and deterring vampires isn’t the only thing garlic should be known for. Garlic, the number one herbal supplement used in U.S. households, has numerous uses and health benefits. Excellent for cooking, health and home remedies, garlic can easily be grown in most climates. The extremely versatile herb has been utilized throughout history as a natural remedy. In ancient times it was acknowledged as a remedy to treat many ailments including, flatulence, intestinal disorders, skin infections, and symptoms of aging. During the middle ages the herb was ground up and applied directly to the wound to prevent the spread of infection. Greeks were known to feed garlic to their athletes before they compete in Olympic events.